Textile artworks

Designing and making my jewelry label for ten years enabled me to develop many textile skills.
In the meantime, I’ve been back in embroidering since 2018, first as a personal hobby. Then I switched to creating textile artworks as my main activity in 2021.
I first learned how to embroider at fashion design school, quite a long time ago, then made some samples while working for a luxury women’s wear house.
Embroidering again for hours has become quite addictive, and I found it meditative at the same time.
When embroidering, I connect to intimate emotions, and translate them into stiches, lines, textures and shapes.
I most of the time only draw a single line structure, with no preparation, the emotion is guiding my pencil on the fabric. Then I stitch, playing with filling shapes and emptiness.
I often use draping fabric, I love its off white color, texture, smell of freshly cooked biscuit, and imperfections. It reminds me of happy times when I was a fashion student.
Most of my textile artworks are abstract, because I feel that abstraction in art generally gives me more freedom of thoughts, imagination and emotions.
I feel quite much inspired by abstract expressionism in paintings, but as well by textures in nature, and ceramics.
I love working in relation with history and personal stories, this is why I develop embroidery process intimately related to people.
You will find below a selection of my textile artworks, abstract embroideries and installations.
Some of them are for sale on my online store or on this online art platform.